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Blog Post: Potters Wheel

I shut down learning ceramics because I got caught up in the spin of self beat. I didn’t like feeling vulnerable and doing something badly. Somewhere along the way that meant I was unworthy, I needed to be good to be accepted and loveable, that narrative was already strong.

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courage to hear your call

identify what is calling to you And start Living in alignment with your gifts and brilliance.

The Courage to Hear Your Call is a, go-at-your-own-pace, online course that you can do from anywhere. I recommend spacing it out over 7 weeks or more to allow yourself plenty of time to process and digest each of the lessons.

This course will help you identify and understand what is holding you back from pursuing your dreams and will teach you HOW to escape the trance of unworthiness and work through any roadblocks that may be holding you back.