Love and light is some bullshit. Truth and love is where it’s at.

Mia Togo is a globally renowned transformation coach and Master Yoga Teacher based in London and Los Angeles. 

For more than 20 years, Mia has been helping people break free from the past. She helps you rinse painful memories and energies from your body and mind. then confidently start living an empowered new story of your own design.

Mia’s coaching clients go from spinning in the pain of the past to creating: 

  • Loving, healthy relationships

  • Happy lives in new countries 

  • Thriving businesses and practices, and

  • Healthy, whole families.

After Mia’s own beloved mentor, Mona Miller, died in her prime in a car accident in 2011, Mia took up the mantle, integrating her own psychological, somatic and yogic wisdom with Mona’s powerful Rinsing Work methods for processing painful thoughts, memories and emotions. 

Known for the line of students that queue up down the street awaiting her celebrity-studded LA yoga classes, Mia was a Senior Teacher and Mentor for the Yoga Works 200 and 300-hour teacher training programs for over a decade before moving to London in 2018. 

Now, Mia focuses on coaching private clients, teaching transformation workshops and growing Mona’s Rinsing Work into a full-fledged movement. Her mission is to teach millions these powerful tools for processing the shadows of your past and empowering you to live in the powerful now. 

To have inner peace, you must heal your inner wars.
— Mona Miller