Newsletter: Falling Forward


An Overwhelming Year of Change.

Life as we know it has been falling apart, and with it, so many things we have relied on. These are some hard and intense times as we are being tumbled in the uncertainty of it all. September has the feel of shifting gears, going back to school, changing seasons, and clearing a space for new beginnings. With All the change we have been experiencing, and no clear direction, it is easy to get stuck in hopelessness and fear for the future. 

We can’t change much of the outer world, but we can change our reactions and how we participate. This is the inner work, tending to our own garden. Making the unconscious, conscious, so we can change deep rooted patterns that keep us stuck. The community gardens that are popular where I come from reflect that collective care. No two gardens are alike and they support and enhance the beauty of the whole. So we are being asked to co-create a landscape that supports equity and justice, we stand for what we value and vote from our heart.


Fall can also be a transition to shift inward. We often think of falling back when the time changes, but this year is asking us to fall forward and break open new ground. It has broken open some painful places in my heart so I can feel the fullness of how I want to show up. Yoga has been my place of sanctuary to come back to what is essential, how I value myself and share that in the world. It is a gateway that opens my heart when it is so much easier to stay armored up. 

The studio where I learned to love and teach yoga has closed its doors and I am feeling the sadness of this loss. Yoga Works has been, and will always be, my yoga home. I spent so much time on those wood floors, moving, breathing, laughing, and crying through many transitions of my life. 

The loss that many of us are experiencing brings up grief. There are endings that remind us that nothing stays the same, may we hold ourselves and each other with more compassion. All the times I have fallen down in life have humbled me to rise with more wisdom. When I harden and resist change, the pain persists. The releasing of my grip has shown me where I need to be more tender with myself and others. We can’t change the past, but we can change our relationship with it. How we participate in our healing paves the way for new ways of relating to unfold. Thank you to everyone who is sharing this path, may we continue to courageously journey forward.

Yoga Works has been a sacred space of community, the doors may be closed but our hearts stay open to share the love we cultivated together. Together we rise as Fall Arises.

In love and appreciation,
Mia xx


Newsletter: Patience Is The Gift


Honestly Unbalanced Podcast: Episode 19