Newsletter: Patience Is The Gift


Community is More Important Than Ever. 

Walking through this world right now is overwhelming. With the divisiveness, loss and uncertainty our internal systems can be on overdrive. This can activate our traumas and triggers and so important to have a space to process and reflect. 

There can be a pressure in the world to be in balance and have it all together. This is not only unrealistic, it creates a separation from embracing the messiness of being human. Then how do we learn and grow? Our early exposure to others’ perceptions and opinions of the world affects our thoughts, feelings, and memories. It’s crucial to understand our history. Most of us have been trained to want to change the world when we haven’t been trained to change ourselves first. Speak the truth, break the silence of shame, and love the good, bad, and the ugly. We are all a unique blend of our life’s experiences. That’s beautiful 🦋

If I can’t hold and love my hurt places, it’s real hard to do that out in the world. The mind time travels every day, being awake and conscious of this opens us up to discovering how to work with our unconscious patterns. This does take inner work and never ends, does get easier. Patience is the gift. True listening requires space and patience, then the lesson is learned and not forgotten. So important to have a safe space to hold our tender selves and each other. Community is more important than ever. Note to myself and inspiration for the course I created 8 weeks to dive in unpack, learn, and grow.


Newsletter: Dream Big


Newsletter: Falling Forward