Newsletter: Open and Awaken

As the world reopens and we awaken to a new reality there may be a sigh of relief and also a feeling of trepidation of what it will be like. Change is often wanted and not always welcomed because of what it asks us to release. Letting go is a beautiful concept in theory and actually giving up control can be daunting. Maybe we are learning to give up some of the power battles within so we can courageously open new pathways to be in relationship with ourselves and each other. These past 14 months have been a forced exercise in letting go and giving up the illusion of what life should be as we lean into the truth of where we are. Here possibility opens new pathways.
During this time I had to change up my self care, some of the old ways were not holding me. What was working before had to shift along with the shit that was stirring my overwhelm and anxiety. Transformation ain’t easy and the discomfort can be intense. Like many of you know literally and metaphorically,  laboring through a birth means being in the unknown passageway of what will happen and who we will be on the other side. The goopy chrysalis is where the dissolution of old patterns begins to reshape a new alignment of who we are. The hard part can be to not rush and breathe into the space with patience. For me this is not another butterfly, but an alien species I don’t know yet. Anyone relate? :)

I remember times I have gone through some hard lessons and had to take an uncomfortable look at my part. The reflection allowed me space to realign with my true Self. The lessons are not neat and pretty, they're usually messy. I had to push beyond the lines of what “I Know” and open to the blurred lines beyond my grasp. Stepping toward truth, even if it is uncomfortable is the thing that sets us free from our gripping patterns. You know, where we hold on so tight to hold onto our perception of control.

When we are afraid we can cling, I call it the white knuckling through life, that is soooo understandable. I used to love rollercoasters when I was a kid. I would throw my hands in the air and ride the waves with excitement screaming and laughing at the same time. As an adult, I can try and control experiences, people, as my husband can attest to, when I am stuck in fear. Prying my fingers away from the thing and turning inward to ask “how can I be here for me now”? Helps to build a bridge of trust and intimacy. We are traveling into some new territory and it can help to throw our hands up and know we can be scared, nervous, excited and welcome the adventure with open arms.

What are you opening up to? What is dissolving to make space for more of you to show up? We are not leaving our past behind, we can’t do that it is part of who we are. Perhaps we are releasing the grip of old wounds of shame, blame, victim, to be accountable for how we show up now. This is integration, coming home to wholeness. And the exciting part is, we get to bring the lessons of what we keep learning through being messy, imperfect people and let go of trying to be something that we are not. Sometimes we have to experience who we are not, to know who we truly are. As the world opens, my wish is that we open our minds, hearts, and arms to embrace ourselves and each other with an expanded version of acceptance, kindness, and compassion. What is your wish?


Newsletter: Free To Be You & Me


The Guilty Feminist Podcast: Episode 253