Newsletter: Weaving a New Reality

Hi everyone... 

It has been a year since we found out from the W.H.O. that we were in a global pandemic. Do you remember where you were, what thoughts and feelings surfaced, and what voices came up? 2020 feels like it tore open the fabric of our reality and with it exposed the cracks in our culture that had been ignored for too long. 

The virus of hate showed us what needs understanding and healing, not an easy task. Hate is rooted in fear, and fear is a feeling that is human and can be helpful when we learn how to listen and respond to it with understanding. Many of us were not taught to lean into tough emotions like anger, sadness, and grief, and yet they are so important to connect us with empathy, compassion, and joy. To avoid what we don't understand because it activates our inner critic can keep us spinning in a web of confusion. As we learn to process our pain, it moves us from fear to self-trust so we don’t keep recycling the hurt and hold ourselves and others with more compassion. 


Question: have you ever felt self loathing, self hate? Most of us have and it feeds into our fears of not enoughness and scarcity thinking. This constant feeling of lack was ingested long before we had a conscious choice. Bringing it to our awareness and shining the light onto our shadow illuminates the story so we can choose new pathways. Have you ever tried to “positive think” it away? Or work out too hard, stay busy, achieve goals that will boost your self esteem? I sure have and it usually is a temporary fix to a problem that has its roots in the belief that our worth is outside of us.

It is soooo Old and it's a fertile time to grow something new.

The inner critic keeps us in a holding pattern and can trash talk our best intentions. Working with the inner critic and listening to the old stories from a different angle helps us understand the narratives that are on repeat. The antidote is to lean into the feelings that are tough and not turn away. Unpack them, understand the message underneath the pain, and process the feelings so we can move forward in connection to our authentic Self.

This is courage culture, We can’t change our past and we do need to understand our relationship with it. Holding ourselves accountable to stop the hate, heal the hurt, hear the truth, paves the way for a new reality to unfold.

As we approach spring here in the northern hemisphere, what lessons have we all learned that will help us reweave a tapestry that reflects a world less divided and more united? It begins with us, our destinies are intertwined.


The Guilty Feminist Podcast: Episode 253


Newsletter: The Energy of the Time