Newsletter: The Energy of the Time

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Hello Friends, I hope you are all safe and healthy. It is hard to believe it is already February. As we navigate more uncertainty and what is next, the fear of the unknown can block our creative flow. In this time of transition, staying in the energy of what is, can help us drop the armor of the past and stay open to envision a new world unfolding.

The loss and grief many are feeling as well as the sense of isolation can take us down into a well of despair. Sadness and anger are all part of this process and it’s so important to allow these feelings out in a safe way. Feelings are not facts, but they feel very true and then we deem them as real. When they get stuck in a holding pattern this can become the reality we see and create from.

I have heard from friends, clients and students they are feeling overwhelmed and fatigued, I think we are feeling that somewhere. You are not alone and holding onto hope and truth means releasing the grasp of fear. Fear shows up as your inner critic, self doubt, and lacking trust in the now.

The work I have been doing for years is leaning into fear and learning how to rinse my feelings, process the message, learn the lesson, and own the truth. Fear has a language that can be hard to understand because most of us were taught to shut it down or run rather than listen to what needs understanding. It is not easy and hard as shit sometimes, and we are so worth it!

Right now I am learning to go with energy of the time. My response these days is “I don’t know”. Not knowing is a practice of letting go of the old ways of having answers and predicting outcomes, to give room for more possibility. We create from what we know and that can limit our field of vision. Taking time in this transition to be with what needs healing and holding can help us see a more heart based future. What are your visions and wishes? My wish is for less control battles and more heartfelt connection. What the world needs now is love and leaders who lead with truth and love.

Endings create new beginnings. Transformation is hard, death and rebirth suspend us in a state of metaphorical blindness. Creation is bigger than our logical minds, it opens us into the realm of psyche and imagination. The unlearning of old programs and the unpacking of what is too heavy to take with us into the next chapter are up for review.

We are all leaders in life somewhere and now is a time of accountability to look inwards and ask ourselves how we want to contribute to the whole. Power over and power under has perpetuated a world of control and conquering. Time for something new. Living in low self worth and allowing the inner critic to lead our life and trash talk our dreams is soooo old. This cycle is ending to birth and reclaim our inherent power.

Looking out the window as the snow falls on a rare day in London, I am in awe of the simple beauty. I felt the desire to run out and feel the snow on my lashes and lips, because I know how fleeting it is. This shift in scenery brought a renewed sense of play to my mind and heart. It was that feeling of presence, being fully absorbed by the wonder of it all.

Snowflakes have a unique shape until they hit the ground and merge with the blanket of snow. The word snowflake also conjures up the term that defines someone who is too fragile to deal with the realities of life and has an over inflated sense of who they are. Reminds me of something Marianne Williamson said years ago when I saw her speak. “We are all unique and special and no one is unique and special.” I love that because we all need to honor our unique gifts to contribute to the world, and yet no one’s light is more valuable than anyone else's, just different.

When I was a little girl around 5 years old, I would go up to people and say hi, and tell them my name because I loved it. “Mia Kimiko” my mother would say it means “my everlasting flower of beauty” I was in my power and true self. As time went on and I started to take on the judgments of the world, the insecurities built, I hated my name, and the walls of self protection helped me construct an image that was more acceptable. What I gained was the illusion of approval, what I lost was my essence. Living in a trance of not enoughness is painful and prevents us from leading from our light. Ignoring our shadows and fears does not make it go away, having the courage to listen to our insecurities and lovingly understand the struggle and own the lesson changes the story so a new one can begin.

In this time of change it can be tempting to go down the rabbit hole of fear and confusion. Fear and insecurities do and will come up when we are embarking on uncharted spaces. This is the inner work, to dismantle the old systems that keep us operating in lack and plant seeds to grow something new.

It’s time to break down the holding patterns of the inner critic and release the grasp of self-sabotage. This means we need to take action because the stories of lack started a long time ago. We can face our fears, process our insecurities, and own our truth with love, we release the trance of unworthiness and welcome the dance of a beautiful life unfolding.

The energy of the time: understand and own our history, reclaim our light and essence, and trust ourselves every step of the way. We need us in our light so we can co-lead a new world unfolding. The Energy is NOW.

In truth and love,


Newsletter: Weaving a New Reality


Newsletter: Dream Big